- By regular screenings and HPV testing
- By timely HPV vaccination
- By taking care of your sexual health
Understanding What is HumanPapillomaVirus
HPV is the most commonly transmitted viral infection of the reproductive tract and is the main cause of cervical cancer worldwide. The infection often functions silently and may not show any symptoms.
Some cancers and diseases caused by HPV
Cervical Cancer
Anal Cancer
Vaginal Cancer
Vulvar Cancer
Genital Warts
But how doesHPV Spread
HPV transmission takes place through
Mainly sexual contact
Non-sexual contact
Mother-to-child during birth
Even sexually inactive individuals may be at risk of human papillomavirus infection. *Sexual content is the most common route of transmission. Non-sexual contact and mother-to-child transmission during birth is relatively rare.
HPV types to look out for
There are 200+ types of HPV out there. Out of these, there are some prevalent serotypes that may lead to HPV-related cancers and diseases.
Most HPV infections clear on their own, but if it persists, it can lead to HPV complications such as
Low-risk HPV types (6 and 11)
90% of anogenital warts
High-risk HPV types (16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58)
Certain HPV-related cancers
How can HPV affect your health?
Here are the approximate cases of HPV-related cancers in India, reported annually due to high-risk HPV types.
Cervical cancer
1,23,907 cases
Vaginal cancer
5,518 cases
Vulvar cancer
3,447 cases
Anal cancer
5,452 cases
Genital warts
>30 Lakh cases
*Cancer data as of 2022, Genital Warts data as of 2011, in the age group 18-60 years.
HPV is a silent invader
HPV often presents no symptoms. When HPV symptoms do appear, they take the form of genital HPV warts or abnormal cervical smears.
How will you identify genital warts?
Genital warts usually appear as a small bump or group of bumps in the genital area that appear like a cauliflower.
Genital warts are usually not painful, although they may cause mild pain, bleeding, and an itching sensation.

A word of caution
And find a Doctor near you
Almost 50% of sexually active women and men will get genital HPV infection at some point in their lifetime.
The prevalence of genital warts in India is ~1.07%, accounting for more than 30 Lakh cases.
Diagnosis of genital warts can be associated with an increased risk of developing HPV-related cancers, even 10 years later.
*Genital Warts data as of 2011, in the age group 18-60 years.
Experts believe that 8/10 unvaccinated adults can develop an HPV infection in their lifetime.
If not you, it could be someone you know. Take a look at HPV infection statistics around the globe.
HPV can bePrevented
And book a free tele-consultation
But, only sexual monogamy and using condoms is not a fool-proof HPV prevention method.
1 out of 2 women may be HPV positive, even with one male partner.
Talk to your gynac for HPV awareness
Learning about HPV symptoms, HPV types and how to identify HPV related genital warts is an important part of sexual wellness.
Protect against infection and HPV-related cancers today.
And find a Doctor near you
Frequently Asked Questions
How does HPV spread?
What are the early signs and symptoms of HPV infection?
HPV – Human Papillomavirus
This information is for awareness only and does not substitute for a doctor's advice, please consult your doctor for more information.
IN-GSL-00722 - 1/11/2023 - 29/9/2025.